I can't believe it I've missed my blogs 1st birthday by nearly 3 weeks what a plonker I kind of knew it was coming up but
hadn't checked the date my first post was on the 6
th of March last year and had my mothers day cards on it so I was thinking it was near Mothers Day this year oh dear how wrong was I. Anyway enough of that embarrassing talk of how unorganised I truly am.
I was hoping you would join me in my own mini celebration of my blogerversary with me I put together the above mosaic especially for the occasion, some Miss Sew n Sew pics of the last year and I will be hosting a blogerversary give away when I get my act together at a very fashionable month late on the 6ths April!! I am organised with that and have started putting some lovely goodies for this just a few more makes to add so please don't miss out come back for my giveaway I do so love to read your comments and your blogs and this will be my way of saying thank you to each and every one of you who have stopped by and visited my blog. Lots more about my blogging love on the 6th!

I have a new thing in my house for spring bulbs look aren't they wonderful I have 3 hyacinths on the go at the moment there so reasonably priced and they last a lot longer than cut flowers and just smell so gorgeous. My local garden centre were selling these off at just a pound each because they were very dry but after a soaking in a bucket of water they have been fine and are giving me so much enjoyment I just love catching glimpses of fresh flowers around the house. Oh dear I must clean my kitchen window!

I've had my man at home this week and look what
we've been up too! A new path is being laid down to my little house and shed. The old bricks were left from an outbuilding taken down by the previous owner so
we've made use of them to edge the path.

The weathers been great this week and given us the chance to get on with it yes I've been digging and getting my hands dirty too! All day in the garden has been back braking work but I know it will be worth it and I'm really liking the results of the different materials bricks,gravel and wood.

This is our first proper garden our first house didn't really have much garden so were excited
about changing ours and making it our own. As you can see we have lot's more to do, the path will continue to our shed and then if all goes to plan we want to put a seat around tree and the messy soil area will will be filled with different shades of gravels may be a water feature and grasses and ferns planted amongst the gravel I have it all planned out in my head!

In front of my little house were going to have decking for a seating area and then also we want to make a vegetable garden out of some timber we have left over from the path so not much to
do then hey!
The house is looking a tip with mummy and daddy both working our asses off in the garden Emily and Elliott have been entertaining them selves which has meant all though my attempts to tell them to take their wellies off when they go inside lot's of messy little footprints on Mummy carpet arrrgh!!
Today's game has been who can collect the most worms in their bowls, then counting their worms then running to their chalk board to draw number of worms on it!
Will be back next week with our progress thank you for all your comments about my little house I'd love top have you all round, one at a time of course for some crafting, coffee and cake! I really enjoyed reading them your all so lovely!
Hope all you mums out there have a great Mothers Day this weekend!
The path looks lovely, and happy belated blog-iversary :) x
Happy belated blogiversary!!
The garden and path is looking beautiful - I'm very envious
Congratulations on your blogaversary
Happy blogiversary!
Your path looks fantastic you are extremely clever! happy blog-iversary!x
Lovely mosaic and lovely garden - I miss my garden as we don not have one at this house! - Natalie x
Silly you for forgetting your blogiversary!
The garden path looks great, your hubbo picked the right week to take off work!
Thanks for your comment about my Nan.
Vanessa x
happy blogiversary better late than never :-)
the garden looks gorgeous and your own "yellow brick road" to Oz!!! Lesleyx
Congrats on your blogoversary!! There is an award waiting for you over at my blog. :)
Gemma x x
Happy 1st Blogiversary - it's better late than never! Your garden looks lovely, with your little house and that nice little path. Enjoy your weekend and have a lovely Mothers Day :O) Jackie x
Hi Sarah
Happy blogerversary! I'm not sure when mine is either, August maybe.
Your garden is looking lovely, mine is little so less work but less gorgeous too! I like the way you've done the path with the bricks. My girls always tread mud in too, luckily we have all hard floors downstairs but the poor mop will probably go on strike soon ;)
Hope you have a lovely day on Sunday xxx
Happy first blogiversary Sarah,
Have a lovely mothers day weekend too.
The garden is looking and sounding lovley.
I just love your little house the colour is so pretty. And inside well what can i say, it's just fab.
Speak soon and thanks for letting me waffle on the other in an email, it was good to tell someone.
I think she's had a pang of guilty con because she now says, it's just a hobby lol
Big hugs lovely girlie.
Catheirne x
How exciting to have a garden!
Your making a super job of it!
I like the pathway....xx
wow Sarah, is there no end to your talents?! It looks very fabulous, and oh dear, I think I might need one. Just said to Mr F, "Hmm, Miss Sew n Sew has a beautiful pathway to HER shed and studio" (cue much eye rolling on his part) Ho hum. Maybe one day.
Glad you've both had a lovely week off together, and hope the back ache is wearing off!
happy blogiversary , hub cleaned our kitchen windows the other day , they were filthy ... loving your garden and path too
lisa x
You have done a lovely job in the garden and the path looks fab!
I can just see you sat in your workroom in the summer looking out on too your beautiful garden.
Happy blogaversary !!!
Love Lou xxx
Happy belated Blogversary from me too!!!
Did you know that Geoff Hamilton did a book called 'Paradise Gardens'? Well after looking at your pretty little garden, I have found one on your blog!!!! ; )
Also having the lovely little work room at the end of it, is just perfect!
Wish you lived near me, I'd bring a bottle of wine, and some cupcakes round!!
Have a lovely week : )
Sharon xx
Sarah - I have left you a little award over at my blog if you want to have look. Jackie :O)
Just found your blog so thought I'd say hello and how neat your little house at the bottom of the garden is. I too have one which hubby built and it's so messy and untidy!
Happy belated blogiversary.
Hi Sarah
I love your new garden antics, I have a new cottage garden too, isnt it exciting to see whats growing ;)
I have given you an award if you would like to pop over to mine to pick it up!
Love Happy xx
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