I do like the start of the year, all those empty boxes on the calender waiting ready to be filled with what you choose. I like to take time in January to plan what I want to get out of the year and what a would like to achieve. It's all buzzing around in my head at the moment but I am planning to make lists and write it all down in my dream book there's all sorts I want to do this year including a lot of sewing. I intend to be a slimmer me in 2009 as the weight really has crept on in 2008, the diet hasn't started yet but it will do soon I like to plan what I'm going to cook prepare and myself and get in the right frame of mind first!
I've also felt an enormous urge to de clutter our house this month. So every cupboard, box, drawer in the house is being tidied things we no longer need being recycled. We seem to of accumulated I huge amount of stuff for 2 adults and 2 little people, it's giving me great satisfaction this organising. I do believe that in a small house it is good to have a place for everything and to keep possessions to a minimal so I'm being ruthless and getting rid of quite a bit of stuff that never sees the light of day that we have no use for.
My lovely mum and dad gave me my birthday money early, my birthday is not until May!!!!!! So I went back to buy myself a Greengate jug, candlestick, salt and pepper set, tube of pretty pencils and mug which is all wrapped up in tissue paper at my mums waiting for my birthday in May!!!!!!! Oooh I can hardly wait!
After my little splurge I had no intention of spending anymore money this month but when I came across this bedspread in Dunelm I had to have it. I've been looking for the perfect bedspread or eiderdown for our bed for quite a while.

I wanted something that would go well with these pictures above my bed and this faded red and cream toil bedspread fits the bill perfectly at £30 I think it's really good value it's king size and has ticking on the back I have seen a similar one before and been tempted but it was £80.
I'm really pleased with it and it's french style goes really well with our french style furniture. It's making me want to paint those awful peach walls a grey/blue and looking at our pine bed I think that is going to have a makeover and be painted cream to blend in with our other furniture another couple of jobs to add to my dream book! Our bedside tables are not usually that bare I've just nicked the lamps for the side table downstairs!

I wanted something that would go well with these pictures above my bed and this faded red and cream toil bedspread fits the bill perfectly at £30 I think it's really good value it's king size and has ticking on the back I have seen a similar one before and been tempted but it was £80.
As I type the wind is howling around our house and the rain pelting against our windows they have given 80 mile an hour winds out tonight I'm a bit worried about the dead tree across the lane lets hope it's still there in the morning!!
Happy new year to you too! What gorgeous things you've got, I bet you really can't wait til your birthday this year. My Mum is buying me some Cox & Cox wooden angel wings that I've wanted for months and I have to wait til July to have them! That shop sounds lovely anyway, well done on all the bargains.
The weather is vile here too, I just know rain is pouring through the rubbish back door but I'm too scared to look!
Mel xxx
Thank you so much for the card(s) they arrived today just as we were getting in the car, I kinda yelled at the postman as he was about to bend them to fit through the letter box :-). Your bedspread is lovely - my hub would have a fit if anything with flowers went near our bed !! I think the bed is going to have to match the tables tho.
Lisa x
Wishing you a very happy new year too :)
I love your new tins and what a bargain, one of my favourite shops near me stock Greengate and I have my eye on so many things at the moment, I especially love a pretty rose patterned bathmat, though at £45 Mmmmm methinks not.
We are refurbishing our home so we are reducing our stuff too and for a family of four like you, I have 2year old boy and 7 year old girl, believe me thats quite some stuff :)
shame about the Greengate stockist but good that you have some goodies to look forward to in May!!! The wind and rail here is horrid as well :-( we live surrounded by fields and the house takes the brunt of any strong winds.......
I know how you feel about the de cluttering - we have a skip arriving next week its so bad eek!!
Lesley x
Wow, well done on your fab bargain finds!! I feel so smug when I find the ultimate bargain. It doesn't happen much though - I usually find it about a month after I've already paid full price for it!!
The bed spread is lovely. I am considering dove grey walls for our bedroom. Currently they're cream with one feature wall in sage. Have you seen the latest issue of Country Living magazine? They have a whole feature on using greys and other neutrals in a room. Might be worth a look :)
We had a lovely meal tonight. I had a heavenly lasagne. And a special birthday cake as a surprise! :) The weather is certainly wild here, too. Wrap up warm tonight!
Gemma x x
So many lovely pretty things too look at, I love them all!
It doesn’t help me at all looking at all these lovely things before I go to bed, all I can say is I want, I want, to my husband , and it never goes down to well.
I love the sound of your dream book, I might give that ago, I would fill the books up in no time.
Love Lou xxx
Love your bargains
Tins are beautiful
Just to let you know that I am having a giveaway on my blog at the moment, of some yummy shabby chic, vintage and handmade goodies. Pop across if you get five minutes! :)
Gemma x x
Happy new year!
Wow what lovely things.
We are doing a huge declutter too. I am dreading our understairs cupboard which has become a real dumping ground. But I need that fresh new year start.
Your home is lovely!xx
Glad you enjoyed the pics :) I'm going to wait and see what free samples come (and how big they are etc!) and then do a post about it so keep an eye out and I will reveal all!!!
Mel xxx
OOO lots of lovely things, I love greengate too, its so cheerful, just the sort of the thing needed to brighten you up!!
I love your knitted cup holder, did you make it yourself or buy it?
Sounds like you have been a very busy bee, I say I'm going to de-clutter but then something else take over and it never happens!!
Thank you for the sweet comment and good wihes, this weekend I'm going to spend time reading your blog and a few others....so I'll be back soon!xxx
OH THOSE TINS!!!!!!!! I am swooning!
I adore Greengate too, such a shame it's so hard to find in the UK these days.
I was chatting to a shop keeper (Girls Own Store) about it and she said she was not ordering any more in either, basically because of the euro/sterling exchange rate being so very poor, she said she could not make enough money selling it any more. SUch a SHAME!
I can't wait to see an update of your summerhouse, it's the stuff of my dreams!
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