2.My Home
3. My husband Steven
4. Spring
5. My Mum and Dad
6. Staying in beautiful cottages
7. Greengate
And the list could go on and on forever there are countless things that I love in my life!
In no particular order!
3. My husband Steven
4. Spring
5. My Mum and Dad
6. Staying in beautiful cottages
7. Greengate
And the list could go on and on forever there are countless things that I love in my life!
In no particular order!
As if I wasn't busy enough at the moment I've gone and volunteered my self to organise the craft activity each week, at the playgroup I take Elliot to on a Tuesday.
Here are my first two efforts Mothers Day cards - Elliot made the one above and Spring bunting below.
This involved cutting 120 diamond shapes and punching out I don't know how many various coloured flower shapes. All this organising is very time consuming and takes place on a Monday night down my little house. I am quite enjoying my new responsibility though after all the effort it's so nice to see the looks on their proud little faces when they toddle back to their mums with their latest creation. Also Emilys loving the fact that I have suddenly got all this craft stuff around the house and ready to make projects on command after shes finished pre - school.
I had a lovely day on Mothers Day it was spent with Stevens mum and my very pregnant sister law who laid on some lovely food for us all. I didn't see my mum as she is away on a cruise hopefully having a wonderful time we all miss you and I want to thank you on here for everything you do for us all love you mum!
I also got the present I wanted this Emma Bridgewater heart mug. I did give a little bit of assistence there in the choosing of my gift !
Yesterday I posted off this parcel to MollyCupcakes for the heart swap organised by MollyCupcakes! I've really enjoyed putting this parcel together it's the first swap I've done I just love anything with hearts on so this was a good one for me to do.Hope she likes the contents and hope the postman doesn't take to long delivering it.
Thanks for all your nice comments on our new path we did get it finished. Tommorrow we are hoping for sunshine so that we can make a start on the back of the garden and the water feature oo exciting stuff eh theres no pics as theres nothing very exciting to show but when weve done some more I will put some pics on.
I was hoping you would join me in my own mini celebration of my blogerversary with me I put together the above mosaic especially for the occasion, some Miss Sew n Sew pics of the last year and I will be hosting a blogerversary give away when I get my act together at a very fashionable month late on the 6ths April!! I am organised with that and have started putting some lovely goodies for this just a few more makes to add so please don't miss out come back for my giveaway I do so love to read your comments and your blogs and this will be my way of saying thank you to each and every one of you who have stopped by and visited my blog. Lots more about my blogging love on the 6th!
The weathers been great this week and given us the chance to get on with it yes I've been digging and getting my hands dirty too! All day in the garden has been back braking work but I know it will be worth it and I'm really liking the results of the different materials bricks,gravel and wood.
This is our first proper garden our first house didn't really have much garden so were excited
Today's game has been who can collect the most worms in their bowls, then counting their worms then running to their chalk board to draw number of worms on it!